Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!!!!

The ghouls and gobblins of The Haunted Horizon Condominium are celebrating the most important holiday of the year. The Board President dressed in her formal attire for the evening while the Village Idiot / Treasurer terrorized the children as only he can.

Be certain to attend the exorcism in early December, unless they are successful in circumventing the rules as they typically do with their goon squad in tow.

Your voice and vote counts.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Horizon Condominium - Where do we stand today?

I would like to have a serious conversation concerning our lives and investments at the Horizon Condominium in NYC as they stand today. I understand there are others here who don't live in the Horizon, were hoping for Friday funnies or Archie's specials. (Archie- I hope you are mending well)

There has been and will be a lot of information and misinformation pertaining to many aspects of our co-existance here.

I hope that whatever comes into our emails, various blogs, snail mail, shoved under our door and discussed by other means is evaluated by each one of us who have a vested interest in our properties.

The first consideration, and then I will let you all think about this is:


Monday, October 17, 2011

Voice of the People

Thank you for allowing me to join this forum. I'm tired of my concerns falling of deaf ears.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Board Elections

In December some of the current Horizon Condominium Board members, including the current President and Treasurer, will be up for re-election. I don't think we need them to do any more. They have done enough!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Child Policy Committee

I have been hearing of all sorts of policy issues from various people with their own grievances. Whether it is pets, or access to the gym and other common areas, storage facilities, laundry room, or Cooper Square or cable blah, blah, blah.

I have no pets. I don't use any of the facilities. I have no children. I work and I come home.

I want to address something important to me.

This is a comprehensive Child Policy.

I believe we need to have a policy at the Horizon that addresses this issue. Here are some of my suggestions:

1- All children must be photographed, fingerprinted and registered by the Managing Agent.
2- Children must use the freight elevator and must avoid common areas such as the lobby.
3- Immunizations must be kept up to date, a record of which is to be kept at the health club.
4- A strict limit of 2 children per household for all owners.
5- Renters may not have children.
6- Children must be on a leash and muzzled. They must always walk in a counter-clockwise direction upon entering or leaving the building, unless there is a blue moon during a leap year, in which case they must walk in a clockwise fashion. Children must walk through any doorway of the building right foot first regardless of the date.
7- Children with any disciplinary problems must be muzzled at the Board's discretion.
8- Fines will be imposed at the Board's sole discretion and applied according to whether the Board likes you or not.

The Board shall have the final word in all these matters, as the puppet of Cooper Square.

This is only an initial draft for the proposal. Please feel free to comment for "transparency". I really don't care what you think.

Let us ram this through before the elections in December. I would also like to start a committee to deal with the "old people" problem once we finalize the child policy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Happenings in the neighborhood

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Contact Information

Although I have been rather busy and there have been numerous attempts to remove this blog, as well as its previous incarnations, we and I remain.

As I previously posted, I only occassionally check the following email, the only one to use if you wish to be listed as an author on this blog. In doing so today, I noticed attempts to block me over the past few weeks or so. You, who are attempting this, are wasting your time.

If you wish to become an author, you may contact me at:

I don't care what your position is on any subject. That is not the criteria for joining.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Helicopter Crash

A commercial helicopter crashed in the East River today at abou 3:30 this afternoon. Rescue operations are currently under way at this time as one woman seems to be missing. Four people, including the pilot, have been rescued. The helicopter appeared to have crashed on departure from the heliport. Please avoid this area to allow emergency vehicles and personel to do be able to do their jobs.