Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Solar Storm- Communication Disruptions- Auroras

A massive solar storm from a major sunspot turned flare turned storm has grazed the Earth yesterday. Communication disruptions as well as beautiful aurorae may occur locally over the next few days.

This may affect your electronic devices.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kips Bay Condo - Cooper Square

An email forwarded to me, although not confirmed at this time, is just a FYI purposes. Please, anyone with more information, provide additional information as it becomes available. Here it is. Take it for what it's worth:

Recent activities within my condominium have compelled me to write about this. I will try to be as concise as possible.

I purchased my condominium some years ago with the understanding that this is my home. I sold my home outside of the city when my children grew up and moved away. My husband passed away a number of years before, never quite recovering from the injuries he sustained as a child at the hands of the Nazis, but we had a comfortable and loving home and raised two incredible children.

My dream was to return to Manhattan and live uptown from my childhood home on the Lower East Side. My income is currently limited, but I've always made sure that I would have the ability to pay for maintenance and tax increases during my advancing years. I also wanted to make sure I was close to the best medical care in the world. We worked very hard in our youth for a reasonably comfortable retirement.

My husband and I also realized one was likely to survive the other.

To the point.

Our current management company, Cooper Square, has imposed fees that none of us could have ever foreseen. They charge us for handyman tasks which were previously included with our common charges. They now charge extra to hang blinds, to change a light bulb, and for a host of other basic services, to each owner, over and above the common charges. I always tip the staff when they help me out. Fortunately for me, I am in a position to absorb these extra costs when I need to. But I am disgusted by this stealing from us, especially when it comes to my neighbors who can't afford all these new charges that we never expected to have to fight.

Shame on you to our Board of Managers for allowing, encouraging, Cooper Square for making these changes.

Shame on you and to any other Board in any other building which allows such a thing to happen.

With warmest regards,

A Concerned Neighbor

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Serial Subway Slasher

There appears to be a serial slasher who has attacked twice on the number 4 train over the past few days. Stay aware. Story:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

UN Week

UN week is here.

UNable to park
UNable to drive
UNable to get around
UNmeaningful to MidEast Peace

This is the week when many nations send their representatives to NY with their money and American taxpayer money in order to eat, drink and be merry while bashing their hosts.

But the good news is that drug dealers and prostitutes help pump money into the local economy.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Public Service Announcement:

When you drink Vodka over ice, it can give you kidney failure,

When you drink Rum over ice, it can give you liver failure,

When you drink whiskey over ice, it can give you heart problems,

When you drink Gin over ice, it can give you brain problems.

Apparently, ice is really bad for you.

Warn all your friends.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Building Info Meeting

Rescheduled from I don't know when until next Monday, maybe.

I guess this is instead of the semiannual meeting which now occurs as late as possible so PRAVDA can spin the disasters according to JackASS plans. It's no longer called the semi-annual meeting.

A little sign says that we haven't received the building financials only because someone (an evil troublemaker who wants to know the truth) has created difficulties for the loving, good and honest,, that's not it,...uh, WE WILL TELL YOU THE TRUTH...just as soon as we can figure out what to tell you, DAMN IT.

They would most certainly have had the semiannual meeting on time if it wasn't for those pesky people who wanted facts instead of what the sphincter tells them.

It replaced the sad message about 9/11.

After all, they put up an American flag yesterday and we didn't.

You can all see it on your Verizon Fios. If you don't have it hooked up yet, go to stairwell "B" and stick your eye in the periscope.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Group Hug

My wife sand I will host our annual group hug this evening to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the saddest day for America during most of our lifetimes. This is a free event at our usual spot and time.

Thursday, September 1, 2011


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