Friday, June 24, 2011

My Take on Fios

I happen to like Fios. I think it's ahead of RCN and Time-Warner in technology. I don't care about the risers in the stairwells. Nobody uses the stairwells except during a blackout, and you won't see them then either. People use the elevator to even go one flight to use the stairmaster in the gym, so that is not a valid concern.

The moldings that are proposed for the hallways are no uglier than the wallpaper and carpets. It's another non-issue to me.

I understand I will need to rewire and hide the cables in my apartment. welcome to the club of having to fix things the building drops on us. I'm okay with more wires and/or moldings even if my family isn't.

The tradeoff could be more than worth it to me. I would like the updates to my home theater and stereo systems. Both of which I've put off in upgrading because our current technology can't handle what I want to upgrade to. We have excellent video capability, which is under-utilized, in our screens. But with the fiber-optics, we can bring the audio up to speed. 1000 megawatts per channel, with little distortion, if any, in midrange, could really make me feel as if we are at some live concerts or in the middle of the action, just as the commercials suggest, for just about the same price.

The computers will download much faster for work and play applications.

I hope our neighbors in Long Island City like my taste in music. I hope the windows will hold out.

When is this expected to be up and running? I, of course, will respect the noise levels of 42 decibals at 35 feet when not during the hours of not before 7AM or after 11PM, according to NYC guidelines for a residence.

1 comment:

srk said...

There was no discussion, no input, no planning. It was typical for what these people have been doing. The process is the problem, and I was content with RCN. Why upset the apple cart for no reason other than to cause problems that we didn't have before?